Dera Ismail Khan
The city, just west of the Indus River. The old town, 4 miles (6 km) east, was washed away by the Indus River in 1823. The new town, laid out by Durrani chiefs, was constituted a municipality in 1867.
Dera Ismail Khan is an important transportation junction that is connected t o Darya Khan (Punjab) (12 miles [19 km] east) by a bridge spanning the Indus. Lacquered woodwork, glasswork, mat and ivory work, and lungis (sarongs) are the chief hand-manufactured goods; industry includes textile, flour, oil, and rice mills and soap factories. Wheat, millet, gram, and sorghum are the major crops cultivated in the surrounding area, and camels and sheep are extensively bred. The region is the junction of the Pashtun and Baluchi tribes.
Dera Ismail Khan, one of the most peaceful cities in the country, is a Divisional Head Quarter and a historical city. It is situated at the southern end of North West Frontier Province. Though economically underdeveloped, this seven-centuries old city is rich in socio-cultural heritage, the archaeological antiques and the remnants of the glorious past. Among others, Rahman Dheri, 14 kilometers north of the city, is 3500 BC old and has been the resort of the archaeologists from various advanced countries.